Cultivate Your Contentment

Cultivate Your Contentment is the Ulti-Mate workbook for your heart.   Happiness is determined less by what happens to us than how we handle it. This workbook seeks to set you up for success individually, and as a couple, to be mindful and masterful in leading your hearts towards contentment.  If you are looking to go from being a victim of your emotions and your mindset, to being victorious, then making Jesus the King of your heart is key.

This is the third of the four Ulti-Mate Workbooks recommended as the ideal accompaniment to Re-Spark. This is the new online couples course coming soon, that will lead your relationship on a journey through Re-Pair to Revival.




Cultivate Your Contentment is the Ulti-Mate workbook for you as a couple to create happiness in your hearts and your home. Beautifully presented, with informative and inspiring content, this comprehensive guide leads you step by step through identifying your lack of contentment to clarifying strategies to uplevel your happiness. With worksheets to empower you and facilitate encounter with Jesus, the one who designed you for contentment, this workbook has the potential to take you and your relationship to greater levels of satisfaction and fulfilment.


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