• Your Gold Sparkly Shoes

    ”You have forgotten what manner of woman you are….I have big shoes for you to fill!’. I was woken up by these words from Jesus for you, His becoming Bride! I saw the most beautiful pair of high-heeled gold sparkly shoes in the Spirit that were huge, far bigger than me even, never mind my […]


  • My Unbridled Bride

    “Beloved, this is the time to run into My arms, run with Me, run for me, so that together we are in sync and we are one in the Spirit. Then you will run unfettered and free. In this accelerated season you will feel like you are running so fast that you feet won’t touch […]


  • Your Time is Now

    We are in such an accelerated season right now and this is your long awaited moment! The enemy wants you discouraged and defined by your past and by your pain. I feel the heart of Jesus for you even now, as He says “I have seen, and I have known… Not a cry of your […]
